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Hip Replacement Surgery

How does the implant look?

FAQ’s by patients

Note: Page is currently under development

When can I drive after a hip replacement surgery?

Driving should normally be avoided for the first 6 weeks. Even travelling as a passenger should be best avoided during the first 3 weeks, except for essential journeys, since getting in and out of a car can stretch the healing tissues and risk damaging the hip. If you have an automatic vehicle and had your left hip replaced, you may be able to drive earlier depending on your personal and medical circumstances as well as your insurer’s conditions.

Checks prior to resuming driving:

You should be free from the distracting effect of pain, sedation or other effects of any pain killers. You should feel comfortable sitting in the car, be able to safely control it and perform an emergency stop.

Insurance: Your insurance company should be informed about your operation since some companies will not insure drivers for a number of weeks after hip surgery. Therefore, it is important to check what your policy says.

Recommended steps before returning to driving:

After a minimum 6 weeks you could assess your ability to drive by doing the steps as follows with your car in a safe place: without putting the keys in the ignition, sit in the driving seat and practice applying firm pressure on the pedals. If you feel pain immediately or afterwards, you are not yet ready to drive. You are able to resume driving (short distances in the first instance) once you can put enough pressure on the pedals to do an emergency stop. Please do discuss any specific concerns you may have with Mr. Krishnan regarding the above.

Information on Hip resurfacing / Metal -on- Metal hips

Click link: Further Information about Metal on Metal (