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General information

What will happen once a surgery has been agreed with Mr Krishnan?

Mr Krishnan will arrange your surgery date with the hospital. The hospital will then get in touch with you, closer to the agreed date, and arrange a pre-operative check-up. This will either be a telephonic conversation with you for minor procedures or a formal assessment by a specialist nurse who will also arrange for appropriate tests as indicated by your general health. This will include a blood test, ECG i.e. tracing of your heart and swabs from your skin. If any special tests are required, you will be directed appropriately for those tests. The preoperative team will work closely with the anaesthetic team and Mr Krishnan to ensure that all necessary tests are performed to a satisfactory level and your general condition is optimised prior to your scheduled surgery date.

The hospital would also inform you regarding the arrangements for your surgery. The surgery will be scheduled at a mutually agreed location either at the BMI Chiltern or the BMI Shelburne hospital.

On the day of your surgery

You will be assessed by the nursing staff on the ward who will go through a checklist to see that everything is in place and your safety and comfort is ensured at all times. Mr Krishnan as well the consultant anaesthetist will see you on the day and confirm the procedure and the arrangements for the surgery. Your limb will be marked and the procedure will be re-confirmed by Mr Krishnan and you will be required to sign a standard consent form for the surgery.

You will then be taken to the operating theatre where you will be greeted by the theatre personnel and the Consultant Anaesthetist in the anaesthetic room adjacent to the operating room. They will then proceed with a routine safety check list to confirm your identity, type of surgery and the site of surgery. The team will then administer the appropriate anaesthetic which could either be an injection to your back (spinal anaesthesia) combined with a light sedation or a general anaesthetic where you will be put to sleep by injecting a liquid using a cannula (thin plastic tube) inserted into your veins, usually at the back of your hand. The anaesthetic team will stay with you at all times during the procedure to ensure your safety and comfort.

What will happen after a surgical procedure?

Following surgery, you will be shifted to the recovery room adjacent to the operation theatre where you will be looked after by the specialist recovery nurse and the consultant anaesthetist. They will ensure that your pain is managed appropriately and you are comfortable throughout your stay. They will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate etc while you recover from the anaesthetic medications. Once your general condition is optimised appropriately, you will be shifted to the ward to allow you to recover from the procedure. Depending on the type of procedure you will be allowed to go home after few hours or a few days once you have been discharged by Mr Krishnan and the physiotherapists.

What happens after discharge?

At the time of discharge specified follow-up appointments to see the physiotherapists as well as Mr. Krishnan will be issued to you. If you have any outstanding or new concerns while you wait for your follow up appointment, you could either contact Mr. Krishnan’s secretary- Ms. Sally    ( Phone: 07500776421) or Mr. Krishnan directly for non-urgent concerns (Email: If it is an emergency situation, you need to ring ambulance or attend the nearest A&E department since there is no A&E facility in the private hospitals. If you would like to rearrange your follow up appointment date or have not received one, you will need to contact the hospital directly and arrange a follow up as advised by Mr. Krishnan’s team at the time of discharge.

Commonly used Procedure codes for Insurance Providers

Total Hip Replacement Surgery- Minimally invasive : W3717

Revision (Re-do) Total Hip Replacement: W3732/W3733

Total Knee Replacement Surgery: W4210

Revision (Re-do) Total Knee Replacement: W4230

Knee Partial Joint Replacement: W5200

Knee Arthroscopy: W8500

Knee Meniscal Repair Surgery: W8230

ACL Reconstruction Surgery (Hamstrings): W7420

ACL Reconstruction Surgery (Allograft): W7440

Knee Injection: W9040